Dinsmore Steele Business Blog
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Do you know if you are getting the best deal with your Professional Employer Organization?
There are two kinds of companies, ones that use a PEO and ones that do not. Every time I work with a company that uses a PEO, they all have their reasons for they do, but usually because it makes life easier, and they save money. When I meet a company, that doesn’t use a PEO it’s either because they have never heard of it, don’t understand it fully or have a misconceived notion of how it works.
Is a Professional Employer Organization right for your company?
PEOs are great - is one right for you? Well, that depends on what challenges your company faces, so let’s take a look at what PEOs do, how they help businesses, and what they will take off your plate. So let’s look at two scenarios, one without PEO, and one with PEO. Compare the two and you’ll see the difference in how both work.
Certified Professional Employer Organizations
Do you use a Professional Employer Organization? Are they Certified? Learn about the process PEOs go through to become Certified with the IRS.
Top 5 reasons You Should Join a Professional Employer Organization
There are many reasons why a company would join a Professional Employer Organization (PEO); here we have assembled a list of the Top 5 Reasons You Should Join a PEO. We compiled this list from our years of working with the best companies and seeing why they made the choice to join a PEO.
Does it matter which health insurance carrier my Professional Employer Organization uses?
Employee benefits and the topic of health insurance has been on everyone’s minds the last few years and for good reason. Increasing premiums, Obamacare, state and federal regulations - it’s become a circus. One question we get often is who is the best medical carrier while it sounds simple to answer, it isn’t.
Are all Professional Employer Organizations the same?
Discusses the differences between Professional Employer Organizations PEOs. PEOs are broken down into three categories National PEOs, Regional PEOs and Niche PEOs.