Small Business, Big Ideas
(And a Few Laughs Along the Way)
Your go-to blog for tips, tricks, and the occasional dad joke about running, growing, and loving your small business. Seriously helpful. Seriously fun.

Advantages of using a PEO for your business
Investments in businesses are normal. A business owner cannot deny the benefits of investments in their business. Investments most of the time are expensive and risky. This is why it is important for business owners to know which investments are truly helpful in the long run and not just in the short run.
One investment we know is advantageous to businesses both in the short run and the long run is Professional Employer Organization or PEO

What do the best business owners do?
What do the Best Business Owners do?
Most businesses handle their accounting needs by spending too much of one or both of the following - time and/or money. Fortunately, there is another way. You can outsource your accounting and CFO, effectively eliminating the need to hire in-house employees or, if you are the courageous type, even attempting to do it on your own.

Are you getting the most out of your Professional Employer Organization (PEO)?
Had a call the other day with a CFO and learned that they had been using a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) for almost four years, and had not utilized many of the services the PEO offered.
We see often that companies will join a PEO, but never fully take advantage of the services the PEO offers. So, we thought it would be a great idea to put together a quick list of the services that a lot of companies do not utilize in their PEO.

5 Misconceptions of Professional Employer Organizations
Over the last decade, we have just about heard every question known to man about Professional Employer Organizations. So we thought we would put together the top 5 that we hear the most often. Here they are.

PEO Insurance: Better Employee Health Option?
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The idea of starting and running your own business can be exciting. New innovations and ideas propelling sales and brand recognition are all part of the fun.
But not everything is fun for small business owners. As health insurance laws changed with the Affordable Care Act, many small and midsized business owners found themselves against the financial ropes, fearing closure due to new demands for employee health care.

What is a PEO?
A Professional Employer Organization (PEO) is a company that serves as a human resources partner for businesses that want to outsource the tasks and reduce costs. To legally administer many of the roles, the PEO becomes a joint-employer through employee leasing, meaning that they are the employer of record. This gives the PEO both the ability to manage employees and shared liability