Small Business, Big Ideas
(And a Few Laughs Along the Way)
Your go-to blog for tips, tricks, and the occasional dad joke about running, growing, and loving your small business. Seriously helpful. Seriously fun.

How a Professional Employer Organization helps you with Workers’ Compensation
Most people know that a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) can help you streamline your payroll, give you access to affordable benefits from national carriers, as well as access to expert HR guidance. But what a lot of people do not know is that a PEO can also help you with your Workers’ Compensation insurance.
Even if you are a white-collar company a PEO can make your Workers’ Compensation a breeze.

Are you getting the best deal on your PEO?
If you're currently in a Professional Employer Organization (PEO), you've probably wondered if you should have played the field a little more. PEOs are guilty of relying on the complexity of their set-up to obscure costs and keep you from being as well-informed a customer as you might for other services like an accountant or a software vendor.
But "difficult to tell" doesn't mean unknowable. Read on to find out how to do your due diligence with any PEO.

How Using a PEO Gives You Back Your Business
Unless you've lived under a rock for the last few years, you've probably heard of "Professional Employer Organizations" or PEOs. For those of us who enjoy the under-a-rock lifestyle, I wrote this quick brief on what exactly a PEO does and how it can save your business potentially thousands — and give you weeks of your life back.

Three Things PEOs Don't Want You to Know
PEOs are a business, too, and they need to make money. In our experience, PEOs are excellent about making sure the price you pay is fair and comes with a high level of value. Even so, there are three things that PEOs don’t want you to know.

How a PEO can help Small Businesses with Workers’ Compensation
Many things in life are necessary evils, be it taxes, the DMV, the Dentist and Workers’ Compensation Insurance falls in there. Workers’ Comp is required if you have employees and protects you and them in the event of well an accident. Some industries are more prone to accidents while others rarely will see any, but regardless all businesses large and small must have Workers’ Compensation Insurance coverage.

Is a Professional Employer Organization right for your company?
PEOs are great - is one right for you? Well, that depends on what challenges your company faces, so let’s take a look at what PEOs do, how they help businesses, and what they will take off your plate. So let’s look at two scenarios, one without PEO, and one with PEO. Compare the two and you’ll see the difference in how both work.