Small Business, Big Ideas
(And a Few Laughs Along the Way)
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Understanding Professional Employer Organizations
Understanding Professional Employer Organization
A PEO is an organization that allows businesses to outsource human resource services. These services include but are not limited to Payroll, Taxes, Benefits, and Compensation. Taking away time-consuming and number-intensive tasks like these from the company’s employees will let them shift their focus and energy towards improving the progress of the company.

Are you getting the most out of your Professional Employer Organization (PEO)?
Had a call the other day with a CFO and learned that they had been using a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) for almost four years, and had not utilized many of the services the PEO offered.
We see often that companies will join a PEO, but never fully take advantage of the services the PEO offers. So, we thought it would be a great idea to put together a quick list of the services that a lot of companies do not utilize in their PEO.

How a Professional Employer Organization helps you with Workers’ Compensation
Most people know that a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) can help you streamline your payroll, give you access to affordable benefits from national carriers, as well as access to expert HR guidance. But what a lot of people do not know is that a PEO can also help you with your Workers’ Compensation insurance.
Even if you are a white-collar company a PEO can make your Workers’ Compensation a breeze.

Should you be in a Professional Employer Organization?
Did you get a bad renewal this year on your health insurance? Does your workers’ compensation keep increasing? If answered yes to either of these questions, then you should probably look at a Professional Employer Organization. Not sure what a Professional Employer Organization is, that’s ok. By the end of this exactly what a PEO is.

PEO Insurance: Better Employee Health Option?
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The idea of starting and running your own business can be exciting. New innovations and ideas propelling sales and brand recognition are all part of the fun.
But not everything is fun for small business owners. As health insurance laws changed with the Affordable Care Act, many small and midsized business owners found themselves against the financial ropes, fearing closure due to new demands for employee health care.

How a PEO can help Small Businesses with Workers’ Compensation
Many things in life are necessary evils, be it taxes, the DMV, the Dentist and Workers’ Compensation Insurance falls in there. Workers’ Comp is required if you have employees and protects you and them in the event of well an accident. Some industries are more prone to accidents while others rarely will see any, but regardless all businesses large and small must have Workers’ Compensation Insurance coverage.