Dinsmore Steele Business Blog
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PEOs Give Startups Time, Talent, and Security
... and when you actually start up, you get slammed with the realities of running a business. How will you handle payroll? What about health insurance? How will you attract and retain the talent your business needs to survive and grow? What happens if you make a mistake?
What is a CPEO?
The Affordable Care Act legislation introduced the need for companies with over 50 employees to provide health insurance to all of their workforce to avoid tax fines. This, of course, means that medium to large companies are experiencing significant increases in overheads as health insurance premiums continue to rise year on year. As a result, the popularity of Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) have soared in popularity as a method of reducing costs.
PEO is not the answer if you just want cheap health insurance
Many trusted advisors, insurance brokers and general agencies have promoted that working with a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) is the easy answer to lower costs and offer Fortune 500 benefits. While that answer may partly be accurate, it is important to explain the “other” more important issues a PEO can solve.
Three Things PEOs Don't Want You to Know
PEOs are a business, too, and they need to make money. In our experience, PEOs are excellent about making sure the price you pay is fair and comes with a high level of value. Even so, there are three things that PEOs don’t want you to know.
How much should you pay for a PEO?
Ever wonder how much you should be paying for a Professional Employer Organization (PEO)? We examine the PEO's services and diffreniate the value versus the price.
In or Out - just pick one already
At the heart of every business decision is exactly this question -- do we do it ourselves, or do we have someone else take care of it for us? Which is better? And the answer is: It depends.