Small Business, Big Ideas
(And a Few Laughs Along the Way)
Your go-to blog for tips, tricks, and the occasional dad joke about running, growing, and loving your small business. Seriously helpful. Seriously fun.

It's renewal season again. Should you look at a PEO?
It’s that time of the year again when most companies are having their open enrollment. This oftentimes means headaches for HR, Business Owners, and Employees, because of higher premiums, lesser plan options, and lastly all of the administration. There is an easier way to handle your benefits.

Help! Am I On the Right Health Insurance Plan?
The first time I ever chose a health insurance plan for myself, I had two considerations in mind. I wanted to find the least expensive option and make sure that they worked with my doctor. The plan I ended up choosing only met my requirement of being the least expensive and onward I went from there.

All About Human Resource Outsourcing
HR Outsourcing is a hot topic. Based on studies by the Small Business Administration, the owners of small businesses spend anywhere from 7 to 25 percent of their time dealing with employee-related human resources paperwork. These functions include benefits such as healthcare, retirement, and recruitment as well as day-to-day operations like payroll, for example.