Small Business, Big Ideas
(And a Few Laughs Along the Way)
Your go-to blog for tips, tricks, and the occasional dad joke about running, growing, and loving your small business. Seriously helpful. Seriously fun.

New York’s ACA Small Business Silver Lining
This week Joe Carfagno is our guest blogger. Joe is the CEO and Founder of Clear Employer Services, a leading Professional Employer Organization (PEO). Joe highlights the facts of the ACA and dispels the myths.

New York State Screws Small Business and Their Employees, Again
New York State Screws Small Business and Their Employees, Again
If you spent any time watching the news networks in the last few months, you probably saw the output of New York State’s 270 million dollar effort to appeal to businesses, especially smaller businesses. What the news doesn't tell you is that New York State once again put the screws to small business owners - this time with changes to health care law.